LibCompiler v.s. source


I maybe have missed something when using the LibCompiler… This is my problem:

When using the well formatted js-source from the ‘sources’ directory, I have all options to debug the source when I try to understand the behaviour. Also your samples do refer to the individual sourcefiles:


When I want to use the LibCompiler, I have to refer to only one .js file (wich is good), however, this one .js file is also compressed/optimized/obfuscated and because of that very difficult to read.

How should I get the best of both worlds: Full sources when developing, optimzed code when deployed. (whithout changing the references )



Unfortunately it is not possible with current version of libCompiler


Should it be an option to let CompLib produce two .js files, one optimzed and one non-optimized ?

Yep, it already added to the dev. version, drop an email to the if you need the updated version.