I’m trying to create a select list with options retreived from the server as Json. I cannot figure out how to get the select list populated. If I manually type the data I receive from the server into the select then it works fine but if I use a varaible it does not work.
I have a local variable called locOptions with the array that need to be displayed in the select list.
My scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = [ section has the following entry:
{ name: "Locations", height: 21, type: "select", map_to: "Locations", options: locOptions }
The content of locOptions is:
[{key: "", label:"Select a location..."},{key: "8", label: "Hilton"},{key: "7", label: "Hilton 2"},{key: "6", label: "Hilton 3"}]
What I get is a big list of options that say ‘undefined’.
Looking at this page docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/select.html I cannot figure out how to populate the select in the lightbox from the server or find code that points me in the right direction that is .Net/MVC based. Te examples are php base and I can’t figure out where or how I do the equivelant.
Can anyone help point me in the right direction?