Hi, is it possible to have really small year view calendar. Like really small but with colors and popup lke in the year view actual schedular?
Sorry, but I’m not quite sure what do you mean by “really small”
Can you provide some sketch ? Size of year view singnificantly lesser than current one, as you need to show areas for each day in the year anyway ( you can hide header and navigation panels )
Hi, something like that
devcomponents.com/blog/wp-conten … rView1.png
to make it fit here on left side instead of message section.
is it possible?
Year view of scheduler will adjust to scheduler’s container, so if you have it small enough - it will look as necessary in your case
Ok, but could I have them closer and 3 columns X 4 lines?
Look at year extension in the docs, and you’ll see about
scheduler.config.year_x = 3;
scheduler.config.year_y = 4;
That should be what you need.