Line chart is not displaying

Hi, I’m trying line chart to display a data trend.
I tried sample on the website.

if I set var
data = [{
sales: “3”,
year: “2011-1-1”
}, {
sales: “3”,
year: “2011-1-2”
}, {
sales: “3”,
year: “2011-1-3”
}, {
sales: “4”,
year: “2011-1-4”
}, {
sales: “4”,
year: “2011-1-5”
}, {
sales: “4”,
year: “2011-1-6”

the line cannot be displayed.

but if I change the last sales data to “5”, it will be displayed.

it seems that the line is not displayed if the line is very flat.
can I ask why? do I need to set the yaxis limit?

Issue confirmed.
As fast solution just add
in chart’s configuration.

We will investigate and fix the original issue in nearest time.

that’s super quick reply. :smiley:

thank you very much.

the tooltip is not displaying
with error:
this.i[] is undefined

I copied the example code and run from my local apache server.

downloaded the latest css and js files. now it works.