Line chart scroll

Hi it’s possible to scroll the line chart ???
i want that number of Xaxis will be fixed for window width

Now if i have 6 xaxis line graph show one table with width 600px, but if i have 24 xaxis - this 24 point shows all in table with width 600px.
How can i did that this 24axis shows in table with width 600px, but with scrolling and length on graph between axis will be same for 6axis and for 24axis(with scrolling)

it’s possible show live line chart with history ?

The best way - it is using iframes:
chart_bar.html - the document for the chart


How can i did that this 24axis shows in table with width 600px, but with scrolling and length on graph between axis will be same for 6axis and for 24axis(with scrolling)

Unfortunately Chart does not provide functionality to scroll xAxis.
You may only scroll a container where chart is initialized. For example, div with a chart can have 1000px width and auto/scroll overflow-x, and this div will be inside another container that have 600px width.