Link Every Event to a Page

Hey, it’s me again … the annoying one :smiley:
Using this incredible scheduler is giving me tons of ideas to use and apply …
How to make every event hyperlinked to another page sending some parameters to fetch such event from DB for example. I want the scheduler to be totally readonly except for this option. I want to be able to press the title of the event which will redirect me to another page showing all its details. Of course transferring a parameter with it is important so i can fetch all the details concerning this very event.
Thanks a lot … and i apologize if i’m bothering you with the rain of questions.

You can use templates , something like

scheduler.templates.event_text = scheduler.templates.event_bar_text = function(s,e,ev){ return "<a href='some.php?id=""'>"+ev.text+"</a>"; }

It worked perfectly …

Can it be done in the YearView?!

If yes, how?

You can redefine


in the same way