linking 2 Grid Objects

Hi everyone.
As all the newbies here I start my topic with: I’m new to dhtmlx framework and I have a problem.
What I intend to do is:
I have a grid containing students list (username, age, …) and I want that when I select a row in this grid I get the list of Courses studied by that student. I think the way to do this is to set an event handler for the event “onRowSelect” to load the 2nd grid with a specific query on the connector (playing with the WHERE statement on the server side).
I tried with this code:

studentsGrid.attachEvent("onRowSelect", function(rID,cInd){

But I didn’t find a way to get the value for the “selected” parameter, there’s no getParameter method like the one used in JAVA (HttpServlet).
Also I found in the form documentation that there’s load(id) function but I couldn’t find a similar one in the grid.
I hope I made it clear for you guys and I wish someone one point me to the solution or the tool/documentation page.

I noticed that ThreadSafeConnectorServlet’s configure method has request and responce parameters, so I use it now and it works. But I still wonder why ConnectorServlet hasn’t a method like this.