Hello guys
I have an event on a scheduler and would like to drag a person from person list to that event to assign him to that event.
Can you please help me how to do it?
Yes, the functionality in the sample implemented with dhtmlxscheduler_outerdrag.js extension which provides the possibility of creating new events, not assign properties to the event.
Unfortunately we haven’t a ready demo for such use case and I can’t do a quick example since it appears to be non-trivial, but you can contact our sales at sales@dhtmlx.com if you want us to develop it for you.
Also you can try to implement it manually. Drag a person html element, catch when the dragged element under the event container - change event’s data and render the updated event. docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__ … event.html
Thanks for your fast response.
Yes, I manually implemented it using onEventCollision listener to detect target element.
Listening on event container maybe a better way but above is fast way for me to make a prototype now.
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