Live update mode not work

I plan to use live update mode, and follow the steps described on page [url]Live Update Mode DHTMLX Docs. But when I load the webpage, an error says sync.js not found.
ps. My server is centos 64bit. I downloaded linux binaries 64bit from and release it at root of website. Then run “node-v0.10.24-linux-x64/bin/node nodejs/server.js” and see “server running”.
Which one I did wrong?

Be sure that you have run nodejs server

 node nodejs/server.js 

Also, sample uses localhost:8080 as address, be sure that this name correctly resolves to the same server.

Have solved it.

Failed on my virtual machine. So have to test on VPS, it does work!

Question is: can node server use IP address but not domain name? Cause virtual machine only has IP. And it not work if I use VPS IP.

PS. sample port is 8008. Thanks

You must be able to use IP or Domain name.
You can try to change the last command in server.js like next

server.listen(8008, ""); //second parameter - IP address of VPS