I ran into 2 issues while trying to implement the Scheduler, the first seems to be an issue with the view whereby the forward and backward button on the calendar does not display correct, it works fine and I can navigate but the arrow does not display correctly like in the demo.
My second problems is with my DB, I’ve followed the instructions but am not able to load data from it or save. I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Here are my code pieces, the first one is the main code.
How to start html, body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; }This is my connector and I am using a modified events.php from the demo.
include (’…/scheduler/config.php’);
$scheduler = new SchedulerConnector($res,“dbtype”);
From here I am using a modified version of the config.php also from the demo.
// SQLite
//$dbtype = "SQLite3";
//$res = new SQLite3(dirname(__FILE__)."/database.sqlite");
// Mysql
// $dbtype = "MySQL";
// $res=mysql_connect("", "scheduler", "scheduler");
// mysql_select_db("schedulertest");
$dbtype = “MsSQL”;
$res=mssql_connect(’\SYEAP1-MOBL1\FGDDASHBOARD’, “sql_dashboard”, “dashboard.2014”, false);
Unfortunately no events are displayed even though I have added events into my db.
Any help that can be provided to resolve my 2 issues would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and regards,