i tried to load ical from google using load(“https://google…”,“ical”)
but I found a shift fesaux horraire on my agenda.
I tried to use the scheduler.config.server_utc = true function; but it did not work.
the head of my ical contains X-WR-TIMEZONE: Europe / Paris
but the load method does not support it
scheduler.attachEvent(“onEventLoading”, function(ev){
var start=ev.start_date;
var end=ev.end_date;
var offset=(start.getTimezoneOffset()*-1); //get the shift timezone in minute
//modify the end and start date using scheduler.date.add
ev.start_date=scheduler.date.add(start, offset, ‘minute’);
ev.end_date=scheduler.date.add(end, offset, ‘minute’);
return true;
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