Load Json string into dhtmlx grid

I have this JSON generated dynamically during runtime data= [{“col1”:1,”col2”:”some”},{“col1”:2,”col2”:”value”}]

I am attaching it to grid but its not attaching.
mygrid.load(data, “json”);

But its not attached.

When I debug I get the following Error:
Unable to get property ‘rows’ of undefined or null reference

Please, try to set the ids to your columns:
mygrid.setColumnIds(“col1”, “col2”, “col3”);
and you need to use the “js” loading type:
mygrid.load(data, “js”);

Here you can find a tutorial:
docs.dhtmlx.com/grid__data_forma … jsonformat


I tried the method that you mentioned. But the data is not loaded in Grid. Plz post working model in simple code format for the loading of json data that I have mentioned.

Unfortunately the the such loading type is available in PRO version of dhtmlxgrid only.
Plea,se make sure that you have PRO version of dhtmlx.
If the issue still occurs for you, please, provide with a demo link or a complete demo, where the issue can be reproduced.
Here you can find a tutorial about creating a complete demo:
docs.dhtmlx.com/auxiliary_docs__ … pport.html