Load xml data into grid - Dhtmlx 7.3.2

Not able to render below xml with new version 7.3.2

<?xml version=‘1.0’ encoding=‘ASCII’ standalone=‘yes’?> <rows> <userdata name=“recordCount”>4</userdata> <userdata name=“draftItemIDCSV”></userdata> <head> <column align=“left” id=“19380_3” width=“100” sort=“server” type=“clist”>Choice &lt;span class=‘caret’ &gt;&lt;/span&gt;</column> </head> <row id=“18986”> <cell> Hello world ;lt;/table&gt;</cell> </row> </rows>

myGrid.load(urlForXML, sheetPage.afterload); this is working in old version of dhtmlx  4 (version)

Unfortunately it is not available to use the XML format of the dhtmlxGrid 5 for the version 7.
Here you can find the supported XML format for the dhx.Grid 7: