Loading combo options from a database

Hi all!
Pls. forgive my elementary question but I’m a newbie to java and xml.
I would like to fill the options of a combo from a select qry in MsSql 2005.
Could you show me a sample qry so that its result is appropriate for the AddOptions function?

Thank you very much


Made a little sample for you: how to add options to the combo from select.
sample.rar (21.7 KB)

Hi Darya
thanks a lot for your sample…
Unfortunately my problem still remains… That is, I need to add options from a database
I need an mssql 2005 query to make an xml file… but I don’t know how to format it…
Can you help me on this?

Thanks again!

In this case i recommend you to use our java connector.
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxC … ndex.shtml - product description
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … orjava:toc - documentation

Thanks a lot for your help Darya!
I’ll definately look into that…
