Loading data from OData Service


I have an OData service which returns the following

  "d" : {
    "results" : [
        "TaskId" : "4000040",
        "Start" : "2016-07-26 10:19",
        "End" : "2016-07-26 10:19",
        "Text" : "This is the description text",
        "ResourceId" : "10000093",
        "TaskToSubTasks" : {
          "results" : [
              "TaskId" : "0010",
              "Start" : "2016-02-16 00:55",
              "End" : "2016-02-16 01:01",
              "Text" : "Description Text",
              "ResourceId" : "10000094"
              "TaskId" : "0020",
              "Start" : "2016-02-16 00:55",
              "End" : "2016-02-16 01:01",
              "Text" : "Description Text",
              "ResourceId" : "10000075"
              "TaskId" : "0030",
              "Start" : "2016-02-16 00:55",
              "End" : "2016-02-16 01:01",
              "Text" : "Description Text",
              "ResourceId" : "10000356"
              "TaskId" : "0040",
              "Start" : "2016-07-26 10:19",
              "End" : "2016-07-26 10:19",
              "Text" : "Description Text",
              "ResourceId" : "10000093"

i am using datajs to retrieve the data.

how do i use the scheduler.load method to load the data?

I have tried to store the data in a array, but the data does not load when i use scheduler.parse.

please help me :slight_smile:

If you have a data as an array of js objects, you can use


Please beware that scheduler expects to find the specific properties on data objects ( id, start_date, end_date - all of them are case sensitive )

Here is my full code:

function read_data() {

	var workcenters = [];

	var requestUriWorkCenters = "<URL_HIDDEN>/WorkcenterSet";

	OData.read(requestUriWorkCenters, function(data, request) {

		for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {

				key : data.results[i].WorkcenterId,
				label : data.results[i].WorkcenterName



	}, function(error) {


	var nodes = [];
	var hierarchy = [];

	var requestUriOrders = "<URL_HIDDEN>OrderSet";

					function(data, request) {

						for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {

								key : data.results[i].OrderId,
								start_date : data.results[i].Start,
								end_date : data.results[i].End,
								text : data.results[i].OrderText,
								workcenter_id : data.results[i].WorkcenterId

								key : data.results[i].OrderId,
								label : data.results[i].OrderText,
								open : true,
								children : []


							for (var j = 0; j < data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results.length; j++) {

											key : data.results[i].OrderId
													+ data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results[j].OperationId,
											start_date : data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results[j].Start,
											end_date : data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results[j].End,
											text : data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results[j].OperationText,
											workcenter_id : data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results[j].WorkcenterId

											key : data.results[i].OrderId
													+ data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results[j].OperationId,
											label : data.results[i].OrderToOperations.results[j].OperationId




					}, function(error) {



	return [ nodes, hierarchy, workcenters ];	


function init() {

	var graphData = read_data();

	var nodes = graphData[0];
	var hierarchy = graphData[1];
	var workcenters = graphData[2];
	scheduler.locale.labels.timeline_tab = "Orders";
	scheduler.locale.labels.newview_tab = "Resources";
	scheduler.locale.labels.section_custom = "Section";
	scheduler.locale.labels.unit_tab = "Unit";
	scheduler.config.details_on_create = true;
	scheduler.config.details_on_dblclick = true;
	scheduler.config.xml_date = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i";
	scheduler.config.multisection = true;

	scheduler.templates.event_class = function(start, end, event) {
		var original = scheduler.getEvent(event.id);
		if (!scheduler.isMultisectionEvent(original))
			return "";
		return "multisection workcenter_" + event.section_id;

	// ===============
	// Configuration
	// ===============

		section_autoheight : false,
		name : "timeline",
		x_unit : "minute",
		x_date : "%H:%i",
		x_step : 30,
		x_size : 24,
		x_start : 16,
		x_length : 48,
		y_unit : hierarchy,
		y_property : "key",
		render : "tree",
		folder_dy : 20,
		dy : 60

		name : "resourceview",
		x_unit : "minute",
		x_date : "%H:%i",
		x_step : 30,
		x_size : 24,
		x_start : 16,
		x_length : 48,
		y_unit : workcenters,
		y_property : "workcenter_id",
		render : "bar"

	// ===============
	// Data loading
	// ===============
	scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = [ {
		name : "description",
		height : 130,
		map_to : "text",
		type : "textarea",
		focus : true
	}, {
		name : "custom",
		height : 23,
		type : "timeline",
		options : null,
		map_to : "workcenter_id"
	}, // type should be the same as name of the tab
		name : "time",
		height : 72,
		type : "time",
		map_to : "auto"
	} ]

		name : "unit",
		property : "workcenter_id",
		list : workcenters

	scheduler.init('scheduler_here', new Date(2016, 10, 15), "day");

	scheduler.parse(nodes, "json");


The “Resource” view and “Unit” view displays the Y and X axis as per the data, but no event data.

The “TimeLine” view does not display anything in the tree.


Check the next snippet


It uses the same data and works correctly as far as I can see.
In your code, the Odata call is it sync or async ? If call is async, you may just feeding the scheduler with an empty array, before data is really received.