Loading Grid from MySQL ??

Hey guys …

i started to use this great component but after many tries i still don’t have any solution. I finally want to use 2 grids with drag & drop but there, i think, isn’t any problem. My problem is how can i load 2 especial data columns from my DataBase into the Grid?



A --> B --> C --> D --> E
1 --> Oli --> 5 --> 10,00 --> test 1
2 --> Karl --> 3 --> 9,50 --> test 2
3 --> Pete --> 12 --> 5,00 --> test 3
4 --> Sarah --> 8 --> 22,00 --> test 4

GRID (should be)

Column A --> Column B
Oli --> 10,00
Karl --> 9,50
Pete --> 5,00
Sarah --> 22,00

Thank you


You should generate the data in one of the formats that grid supports for loading:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … ta_loading