Loading of child on selection of parent node


In my project, the requirement is like this, when user expand the treeview node, only then child of that perticular node should be loaded .
And when user select only any node, child should not be loaded.

We had used enableDistributedParsing for loading of data into tree.

I am not saying about the expanding, here we are not expanding the parent on selection of node ,but child is still loadding to parent node on selection,

We need loading of child only in case of + sign click.


Lokendra Kumar Ujjwal

By default child nodes loaded only when you click on “+” sign to open it.
Check you have code like this:

tree.attachEvent("onSelect",function(id){ tree.openItem(id) })


I have done that You are asking.On + sign it is loading the child.

But when I select any node , why is loading the child.I don’t need this loading on node selection.


Lokendra Ujjwal

We cannot reproduce this issue locally. At local example child nodes are loaded only when expand node