I am having problems showing the loading overlay message:
dhx.extend($$('componentId'), dhx.OverlayBox);
I found a sample zip file at the bottom of this post: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=19914
This sample works as is, I think it is an old version of the codebase.
When running with the current codebase it gets a js error saying that: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘defaults’ of undefined.
It looks like loading image is static. Are there plans to make spin around in circles?
I just took a stab at making a loading indicator.
I used to create the animated gif. To show the gif: open a modal window the same size as the gif, set head:false
Added logic in to my ajax wrapper functions so that the loading indicator only shows if there is a 300ms ajax wait.
Seems to be working.
I found a sample zip file at the bottom of this post
If you are using the lates libraries, you should call:
dhx.extend($$(‘mylist’), dhx.OverlayBox);
instead of
dhx.extend($$(‘mylist’), dhx.ui.overlay);
I am having problems showing the loading overlay message:
Please attach the demo where we could reproduce the problem.
Note, overlay is automatically hidden on loading end.
That looks like it’s working. Thank you for helping.