I have generated XMLString at server and sending the response back through response.getwriter().write(xmlstring); now I want to loaad this xmlstring in grid. Please help. I tried all the method available for loadingXML. this is my client side code.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”>
<link rel=“STYLESHEET” type=“text/css” href=“jsp/dhtmlxgrid.css”>
<script src=“jsp/dhtmlxcommon.js”>
<script src=“jsp/dhtmlxgrid.js”>
<script src=“jsp/dhtmlxgridcell.js”>
<script src=“jsp/dhtmlxgrid_srnd.js”>
<script src=“jsp/dhtmlxgrid_nxml.js”>
<script src=“jsp/dhtmlxcommon_debug.js”>
<form method=“post” name=“form0”>
<table id=“mytable” border=1 size=50% align=“center” BGColor="#C0C0C0">
<div id=“mygrid_container” style=“width:700px;height:300px;” >