In continual of the earlier question , can you suggest me how to provide UTF encoding for the xml
I am working on tree, The page open in mozilla but in IE it gives error,
I am loading xml with string
my earlier question
I get the syntax error at this line
tree.loadXMLString(<%= resultString %>);
Answer posted by Support on Jan 16, 2008 07:16
IE XML engini has limitation, it can parse only UTF based XML from string, so you can’t use loadXMLString command with custom encoded XML.
If problem occurs with UTF encoded XML - please provide exact XML value.
to provide UTF encoding for the xml
The XML will be parsed correctly if it
a) has not encoding attribute
b) encoding attribute set to utf-8
I have provided UTF encoding for xml, but it doesnt work in IE, Can I use loadXMLString for IE,
Do you suggest any other way to load xml directly to the tree.
I am
I have provided UTF encoding for xml, but it doesnt work in IE, Can I use loadXMLString for IE,
Do you suggest any other way to load xml directly to the tree.
I get xml from a XSL transformation class, (say
and the result xml I need to load to the directly.
XslTransformer xslTrans = new XslTransformer();
String resultString = xslTrans.XsTransformer();
resultString = resultString.substring(resultString.indexOf("<tree"));
System.out.println("the result xml in string format is"+resultString);
tree.loadXMLString(<%= resultString %>);
Your support team has suggested as foolows , but even this did not work in IE
<%= resultString %>
The XML which you posted previosly contains logical errors - for example it has elements without ID
each element in tree must have unique ID