loadXML event


about my problem with the loadXML, i have fixed it…by using a different approach…

what i did was i used a ctr and added it to the filename…so whenever i re-write a file i update the filename with the counter…

basically reading a totally different file (different filename and different content)…

so far its working properly…

i have another question though…

i wish to trigger a method (kust an alert()) after the grid has been loaded through loadXML()…

i tried placing an alert after i call loadXML(), but it seems to execute the alert() even though the grid has not been updated…

probably an event afterLoadGrid…something like that…

how can i do this?

thanks in advance…

The XML loading is async, so program not wait while XML will be loaded and continue execution.
To catch moment when XML loaded you can use onXLE ( on xml loading end ) event or next syntax

    alert(“data loaded and parsed”);