Local export to Excel from Grid

Hey there,

I like to make some Excel export from my DHTMLX Suite 6.1 Grid without pushing the data to the DHTMLX Servers.
In the Documentation I found the following snippet:

    url: "//export.dhtmlx.com/excel"

Is it possible to create the Excel file locally? The possibility seems to be foreseen.

Best Regards from Germany!

Hi @user0815. This Dhtmlx extension can export to Excel format from the client. You must get a json with the grid data and pass it to this plugin.

Hi @cstff, thanks for your reply! I tried to use the plugin, but there is a problem.
The EventListener in the plugin doesn’t react to the posted message, when used like the provided example. Another error is that the grid doesn’t have a local export function and if I try to register the worker on start of the application, an error occurs that imports can only be made at the beginning of a module.
Is this a known error?


We provide an access to a docker image of the export service under certain DHTMLX licenses. Please send a request to our licensing consultant (contact@dhtmlx.com), who will help you verify your license terms and manage this issue.