I have a Grid connected to my databased through php.
It looks like the login page that I send back after a time out is displayed as a popup dialog showing its raw HTML content rather then interpreting the HTML to prompt for credentials.
It looks like the login.html is intercepted by the connector/processor and it displays that raw format in the standard (alert) popup.
This happens on a loadXML(). I have no idea why the browser (Chrome) does not obey the 302 and display the login window. Is DHTMLX interpreting the result on the line?
If redirection code is received as result of html page loading it will be processed correctly.
If such response will be received on a data request call ( while loading data for some component, or using dhtmlx ajax API ), redirection code will not be processed. ( client side code expects to receive the json|xml data, so it will ignore any other content )
You can assign event handler for the data loading operations, and redirect page if non xml ( non json ) data was received from the server side.