Could you please let me know how can I change the look and feel of tree grid.What is the extend to which I can get control over the look and feel?
You can change most settings in dhtmlxgrid.css
Most common styles
grid container
div.gridbox table.hdr td
inner element of header
div.gridbox table.hdr td div.hdrcell
outer element of header
div.gridbox table.obj td
data cell
div.gridbox table.obj tr.rowselected td.cellselected, div.gridbox table.obj td.cellselected
element in selected cell
div.gridbox table.obj tr.rowselected td
elements in selected row
container of all footers
div.gridbox td
element of footer
Column moving
div.gridbox table.hdr td.columnTargetR div.hdrcell
marker used to mark drop-right in case of column moving
div.gridbox table.hdr td.columnTargetL div.hdrcell
marker used to mark drop-right in case of column moving
representation of draged column
Edit related styles
div.gridbox table.obj td.editable{
data cell in edit state
select boxes inside grid editors
inputs inside grid editors
textareas inside grid editors
checkbox list ( clist excell )
D-n-D related styles
element used as drag text holder
marker of position during d-n-d ( sibling and complex modes )
Rare used styles
sub row inside grid
div.gridbox .xhdr
the space right to last header ( if grid width greater than summ of column’s widths )
div.gridbox table.row20px tr td
additional styles for data cell in case of fixed row height mode
div.gridbox .objbox
data part of grid