Looking at dhtmlxScheduler for Bike Club Ride Schedule

We are looking at dhtmlxScheduler to replace our current Bike Club Ride Schedule to give us a month view and agenda view. Current schedule: http://ebcrides.org/net/Schedule-ce.aspx We currently use ASP.Net with VB but are considering moving to Node.js

Has anyone used dhtmlxScheduler for a bike club schedule or other club schedule?

I understand that dhtmlxScheduler is free for non-profit organizations. Is this true?

I see us using a month view and an agenda view with a option to list details or only summary on the agenda view. If a used hovers over an event on the month view I would like a popup to display the ride (event) details.

We currently use ckeditor/ckfinder to allow enhanced editing and image upload in ride details. Has anyone used these controls in the dhtmlxScheduler update window?

Thanks for your help,

Ken S.


dhtmlxScheduler is available in Standard and PRO editions. The Standard edition is distributed under GNU GPLv2 and can be downloaded for free. Please note that in case of using GPL version, your whole project should be open source and licensed under GNU GPL v2: gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Therefore, we normally recommend purchasing a Commercial or Enterprise license for everyone who is not going to license the application under GNU GPLv2 to exclude complications.

I’m not sure (not fully understand the question), but seems you need tooltip or quick info.

Unfortunately I haven’t an answer. Try to find information on forum.

I downloaded the Scheduler Net demo Scheduler.Net-EVAL170619.zip . I unpacked it and tried to run with IIS I got the error below. Are there any instructions on setup for Scheduler-net using IIS localhost? Seems I am missing something. I have not used .asax files previously.

Ken Schuelin

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type ‘SchedulerAspNetVB.Global_asax’.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Application Codebehind=“Global.asax.vb” Inherits=“SchedulerAspNetVB.Global_asax” Language=“vb” %>

Source File: /global.asax Line: 1