make one column editable


i used mygrid.setEditable(false) to make the grid’s all columns can’t be edited, but now i want to

the third column was editabled, how can i do this?

You can disable\enable cells in grid using setDisabled(true|false) cell’s method:
Also you can change type of the column\row\cell dinamically (change it from “ro” to “ed”).
setRowExcellType(rowId, type) - set excell type for all cells in specified row
rowId - row ID
type - type of excell
setColumnExcellType(colIndex, type) - set excell type for all cells in specified column
colIndex - column index
type - type of excell
setCellExcellType(rowId, cellIndex, type) - set excell type for cell in question
rowId - row ID
cellIndex - cell index
type - type of excell (code like �ed�, �txt�, �ch� etc.)

These methods are availible in PRO version only.