making filters in column headers more userfriendly

Idea: having a text like “Search …” in the filter column headers which automatically disappears when the user enters the input field. Here’s my hack:

	function unInit(t) {
		if ( t.hasInit ) t.value = ""; = 'black';
		t.hasInit = false;
        // save the original function body
        var old = mygrid._in_header_text_filter;
	// add a new function body
	mygrid._in_header_text_filter = function (t, i) {
	    var ti = "search ...";
	    t.innerHTML = "<input onfocus='unInit(this);' type='text' style='color:grey;width:90%;font-size:7pt;font-family:Arial;-moz-user-select:text;'>";
	    //				add an event handler                    set color to grey

	    t.onclick = t.onmousedown = function (e) {		    	
	    	(e || event).cancelBubble = true;
	    	return true;
	    t.onselectstart = function () { 
	    	return event.cancelBubble = true;
	    this.makeFilter(t.firstChild, i);
	    t.firstChild.hasInit = true; // we're just init'd
	    t.firstChild.value = ti; // set the value

for those who are looking for this as well.