malformed XML with row->skip()

phpConnector (v.0.95)

using row->skip() method in TreeGridConnector I am getting malformed XML, apparently method removes the opening tag but not the closing tag of each row. (worked correctly on previous connector version)

generated XML sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



require_once ‘…/…/config/config.php’;

require_once ‘…/…/jscripts/dhtmlxConnector/codebase/treegrid_connector.php’;

$res = mysql_connect(BD::host, BD::user, BD::pass);

mysql_query(‘set names utf8’);


$grid = new TreeGridConnector($res);

define(IDG, $_GET[‘idg’]);

function beforeRender($row) {

    if($row->get_value(‘id_grupos_ofertas’) != IDG) {




function beforeProcessing($action) {








$grid->render_table(TBL_GRUPO_OFERTAS_CATEGORIAS, “id”, “categoria,id_grupos_ofertas,id_producto,tipo,0(dummy_descripcion),0(dummy_galeria),0(dummy_precio_normal),0(dummy_precio_oferta)”, “”, “parent_id”);


I was using previous connector and it functioned properly. Do you have a fix for this?

Best Regards,

Christian Salazar

Problem was confirmed and fixed.
Please updated existing php files with attached ones. (6.13 KB)