#master_checkbox selection


I used #master_checkbox in my grid which displays checkbox at header. My grid displays 20 records per page.when this checkbox is selected/checked, all the records in the grid are selected where as I want only the active page records to be selected. In other words I have 24 records in grid which are displayed in two pages with 20 per records per page. When second page is active and I check master checkbox, I want only 4 records in this page to display. Is this possible?

Can be done only through code modification.
You can find in dhtmlxgrid_filter.js the next code block

self.forEachRowA(function(id){ var c=this.cells(id,j); if (c.isCheckbox()) { c.setValue(val); c.cell.wasChanged = true; } this.callEvent("onEditCell",[1,id,j,val]); this.callEvent("onCheckbox", [id, j, val]); });

here forEachRow iterates and changes check state for all rows in the grid, you can change this code to iterate through current page only.

I dont want to make changes to the codebase. Is there any way we can override this event?

But you can use custom html checkbox in header of grid with custom javascript event, from which you can trigger any necessary functionality.