I have a grid with a master checkbox column, in some cases some checkboxes can be disabled.
The problem is that when i press the master checkbox, it checks all the checkboxes event if they are disabled.
Does anybody know the solution?
Hi ,
I am using v3 pro suite and still facing the same issue. When I check the filter.js, I don’t see any code to control based on disable/enable state. Can you please let me know if you have any alternate solution.
This is the code that is present in filter.js
var self=this;
var j=self._m_order?self._m_order[i]:i;
var val=this.checked?1:0;
var c=this.cells(id,j);
if (c.isCheckbox()) {
c.cell.wasChanged = true;
this.callEvent(“onCheckbox”, [id, j, val]);
Please, try to update your dhtmlxGrid version. OR please, try to open ticket at support.dhtmlx.com and provide with your using sources so we can patch your current version.
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