Hi, everyone.
I already downloaded meeting room booking application.
I also ran it but events can not save to database, I don’t know reason why? Could you explain to me?
And I also have some questions ask below:
When I try to add database to SQLserver and modify connection string. After that I run app but cannot connect. My question is: can I run app with sqlserver connection?
How to I can add new user and user can Change password by themselves ?
Can I add some information to rooms table? And show it when user move mouse to rooms name.
which of the demos you’ve download?
There are three projects with booking calendars on download page, which one do you use? scheduler-net.com/download.aspx
Demos uses old ASP.NET Membership msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library … y(v=vs.100.aspx
Account models in Models/ccountModels.cs contains all needed methods for managing users. Basically it’s all that goes with default VS templates, if you create an MVC project using a basic template, visual studio will create a views and controlling for registering/changing account, etc. They can be used in app. You can also manage users and roles using ASP.NET Configuration in visual studio
You can add any additional columns to the rooms table, they will be passed to the client-side.