Milestone Showing at Start of Next Day Instead of End of Day of Predecessor Task

Milestones appear at the start of the next day instead of the end of the day of their predecessor task.

Here’s my scenario:

  • I have a task ending on a specific date (e.g., February 15, 2025 17:00 PM).
  • A milestone is set as the successor of this task.
  • Instead of appearing at 17:00 on February 15, the milestone appears at 08:00 on February 16.

How can I ensure that the milestone appears at the end of the predecessor task’s day (17:00) instead of shifting to 08:00 of the next day?

Any insights or recommended configurations would be greatly appreciated!

Hello Mahmoud,
In DHTMLX Gantt, if a predecessor task ends on a non-working time, the successor task starts on the next working time. It works the same way for all task types:

Right now, there is no way to change how auto-scheduling works. In the future, the dev team will add a way to customize or redefine the auto-scheduling logic, but I cannot give you any ETA.