MindMap Custom ShapeToolbar Show Error


  1. Open Demo1, Selected “49 emotions (EARL)” Node , shapeToolbar show is right [total 12 button]
    2a Selected “Affection ” Node
    2b Selected "Amusement " Node
    3a MindMap shapeToolbar add node button and delete node button will hidden
    3b MindMap shapeToolbar custom right button tool13, tool14 , tool15 will hidden
const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor(document.body, {
    type: "mindmap",
    shapeToolbar: [  			
            id: "tool21",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool21",
            id: "tool22",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-powerpoint' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool22",
            id: "tool23",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-download' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool23",
            id: "tool24",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-upload' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool24",
            id: "tool25",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-contract' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool25",
            id: "tool11", 
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-csv' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool11",
            id: "tool12",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-download' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool12",
            id: "tool13",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-invoice-dollar' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool13",
            id: "tool14",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-excel' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool14",
            id: "tool15",
            content: "<i class='fas fa-file-image' ></i>",
            tooltip: "tool15",


Unfortunately it is not available to adjust the position of the shape toolbar.
It can only be popped up at center of the shape.
All I can suggest in this case is to move your entire diagram to avoid the shape to be close to the side of the view.