Mini Calendar _min_date and _max_date update

I have a page where I am using the mini calendar as a small calendar or gadget. When I click the arrows to change the month displayed the _min_date and _max_date as well as the getState().min_date and getState().max_date do not update to represent the new visible date range. Is there something I need to call in order for those values to be updated?

MiniCalendar by default doesn’t affect state of big scheduler, you need to have it initialized like next to change scheduler’s state

scheduler.renderCalendar({ ... handler:function(date,calendar){ scheduler.setCurrentView(date); } });

Doesn’t the handler only happen when you click on a specific day? I’m trying to update the date range so I can know what is visible to the user. Basically I’m trying to get most of the functionality of the main scheduler calendar in the mini calendar.

I want to be able to reload data when the view is changed, passing in the new visible date range for the user.

You are right, my previous code snippet does not useful for your use-case.
Currently there is no any public way to catch moment when minicalendar changes visible month, you can alter code in dhtmlxscheduler_minical.js ( check for arrow.onclick=function(){ )

Can we set a range on calander and schedular, other dates become as disable before and after that date range, exe- start date =01 Feb 2013 and End date = 28 Feb 2013, so the calander will be enabled for only this date range, Please Help, Thanks

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