The basic idea of what I want to set up is 3 scales:
DAY > HOUR > MINUTES (0,15,30,45)
It does things like
Everything is working, except the hour scale, keeps switching, it seems to be based on my system clock. That is to say, it increments after refreshing the chart.
I’ve attached a screenshot.
Here is my init:
gantt.config.fit_tasks = true;
gantt.config.scale_height = 80;
gantt.config.min_column_width = 50;
gantt.config.xml_date = “%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s”;
gantt.config.columns = [
{ name: “text”, label: “Nom de la tâche”, align: “left”, tree: true, width: ‘*’ },
{ name: “start_date”, label: “Date initiale”, align: “center” },
{ name: “duration”, label: “Duration”, align: “center” },
{ name: “form_identifier”, label: “Identifiant de formulaire”, align: “center”, hide: true }
gantt.config.scale_unit = “day”;
gantt.config.step = 1;
gantt.config.date_scale = “%j %F, %l”;
gantt.config.duration_unit = “hour”;
gantt.config.duration_step = 1;
gantt.config.subscales = [
{ unit: “hour”, step: 1, date: “%g” },
{ unit: “minute”, step: 15, date: “%i” }
var dp = new gantt.dataProcessor(loadTaskUrl);