Miss-align in a JavaPlanner Units view

Please take a look on attached screenshot - it speaks for itself. In the JavaPlanner I have the miss-align for horizontal lines between hours agenda and the calendar body.
Did anyone faced the same problem? How I can get a clue what’s wrong and fix it? Any help and advice would be very appreciated!

JavaPlanner uses image to draw background lines.
Height of this image is 43 pixels. So the best way would be using the follow values in planner.setHourSizePx(value): 44, 88, 132, …
Another workaround is to modify image imgs_dhx_terrace/databg.png according your row height in any image editor.

Trick with setHourSizePx(44) unfortunately doesn’t work, will try the second option, thank you for help!

Actually it did work but with 43 value, javaplanner.com/docs/dhxplanner. … #week_view says it’s a default value but looks like in my case it was missed/corrupted somehow, with planner.config.setHourSizePx(43); everything is ok.
Thank you again and again for pushing me to the right direction!