Missing aria-level from gantt_task_row


I am able to apply CSS to subtasks using aria-level on gantt_row (left panel)


//Make sub tasks background gray div .gantt_row[aria-level="1"] { background-color: rgb(99, 99, 99); }

This is not possible on the gantt_task_row (right panel) since the aria-level is not applied to the related elements

In the image below you can see that there is no way to apply the same styling to both the gantt_row & the gantt_task_row based on their aria-level

Is there anyway to style the gantt_task_row based on if it is a subtask or not?

Note even/odd classes only apply to the individual rows so this is not sufficient as it just alternates the styling and does not consider subtask/parent

A solution would be to add the aria-level to the gantt_task_row also the same way it is added to the gantt_row



Yes, adding the aria-level to the gantt_task_row as it was added to the gantt_row is not a solution.

To style the gantt_task_row based on if it is a subtask or not, you should use task_row_class template and check there if it is task that you want to highlight. To check it, use getParent() and getChild methods.
Please see example: