Missing feature that would be nice to have....

I would really like keyboard arrow control over ‘scroll regions’ .

  1. During testing, normal computers dont have touch screens and scrolling by mouse sucks.
  2. You can attach keyboards to iPads, and if I had one, I would use its arrow keys to scroll a large view or list using it instead of the touch screen. (25 year habit)

If thats a no go, then how about Right Mouse Button click and drag = touch and drag

I would just like something for the cases of running it on none-ipad/touch devices, ie normal PCs in safari/chrome.


During testing, normal computers dont have touch screens and scrolling by mouse sucks.
Normally you must be able to use left-mousedown and drag gesture to simulate touch - is it have any disadvantages compared to right-click and drag ?

I would really like keyboard arrow control over ‘scroll regions’ .
Will be added in future. As keyboard usage is relatively rare use-case for touch devices, we not focusing on that use-case, but we have such functionality in our middle term plans.