Mobile device : quick info button & one click

It’s again me, I’m confronted with two problems :

One : I have configured the quick info with add two buttons in the bar, but on mobile it’s not showing, why ?

[code]scheduler.config.icons_select = [‘icon_details’, ‘icon_delete’, ‘icon_copier’, ‘icon_couper’]; //icon on select bar & touch support

    scheduler.init("scheduler_here", ontimeupdate, "week");[/code] As you can see, it’s showing on my computer, but not on mobile device.

Second : How can I create a simple one click to show a context menu only available on mobile device ? What property I should use ?



I tried to reproduce it and buttons are displayed on mobile device the same as on a computer.

How can I create a simple one click to show a context menu only available on mobile device ? What property I should use ?
Do you mean to show quick info only on mobile devices? You can hide container with quick info by media queries.

@media screen and (min-width: 950px) { .dhx_cal_quick_info{display:none} }

Hi !

It’s strange, I tested on phone, and it’s not showing …
I tried here with what I used :
However I haven’t used : scheduler.parse(small_events_list, "json"); Could be the source of my problem ? However, when I add it, I have got a error : "small_events_list" is undefined

Also, when I click on my event to show the quick info and after I click on another event, the first quick info disappear to let’s the second appear. Would it be possible that I failed somewhere?

Thanks you for your solution about displaying only on touch screen !
But, what I mean it’s about the right click on touch screen. For that, with one touch screen, it’s the equivalent of right click on computer. I use for that Jquery :

[code]$(".dhx_cal_container").on(“mousedown”, function (e) {
if (e.which == 3) {

$(".dhx_cal_container").on(“touchstart”, function (e) {
I can test it only next week !


The news buttons on the quick info work well on computer but not on touch screen (they are not displaying). There is any specification for quick info on mobile device ?

scheduler.config.icons_select = ['icon_details', 'icon_delete', 'icon_copier', 'icon_couper']; //icon on select bar & touch support


scheduler._click.buttons.copier = function (id) { scheduler._buffer_id = id; cb_isCopy = true; scheduler.callEvent("onEventCopied", [scheduler.getEvent(id)]); };


scheduler._click.buttons.couper = function (id) { scheduler._buffer_id = id; cb_isCopy = false; scheduler.callEvent("onEventCut", [scheduler.getEvent(id)]); }


/*Button touch supp icon_cut*/ .dhx_menu_icon.icon_copier{ background-image: url('../Scripts/dhtmlxScheduler/CodeBase_Calendar/img/copy-whito.png'); height:25px; width:25px; } /*Button touch supp icon_copy*/ .dhx_menu_icon.icon_couper { background-image: url('../Scripts/dhtmlxScheduler/CodeBase_Calendar/img/cut-whito.png'); height: 25px; width: 25px; }

In the documentation, they said that edit bar had the same configuration of quick info :neutral_face: .


scheduler.parse(small_events_list, “json”);

Events from this data list you can see in my snippet. It’s not related to your problem.

when I click on my event to show the quick info and after I click on another event, the first quick info disappear to let’s the second appear

It’s expected behaviour.

But, what I mean it’s about the right click on touch screen. For that, with one touch screen, it’s the equivalent of right click on computer. I use for that Jquery.

Perhaps the use of Jquery can cause this issue.

The news buttons on the quick info work well on computer but not on touch screen (they are not displaying). There is any specification for quick info on mobile device ?

There is not something special for quick info on mobile devices, it should works as on a computer. We need a some kind of demo to have the opportunity reproduce the issue, because in the demo I sent you earlier it is not reproduced.


Sorry, I’m back now !

The button displaying in mobile device is still not displaying despite it’s working on computer …
It’s really strange, in the demo it work perfectly !

Demo :

I have deleted the text under the button.
Do you have the problem on mobile device in your side ?

Thanks a lot.

Okey I found the problem, it seem the librairy dhtmlx responsif had a quick info. So, I have to modified this file and it should be good!