mobile new event: start-end-time not editable

with the mobile Version, I can’t found a way to change start or endtime by adding a new event!

I can switch to next page to change the time. But with touch the Done-Button, it switches back to the first page (listview) without any possibility to save the new event!

After changing the time, it must go back on the details-view, but it slides over the details-form!
Is this a bug or a misconfiguration of my scheduler?

Thanx for your work!


you can change default properties of the new event via new_event_data template: … event_data

After changing the time, it must go back on the details-view, but it slides over the details-form!

If the problem is not solved, please attach the demo or code snippet where we could reproduce the problem.

Oh, sorry, I’ve included css and js source files for reccurring additionally (how in the “normal” version)

<script src="parts/dhtmlxscheduler/codebase/dhxscheduler_mobile.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="parts/dhtmlxscheduler/codebase/dhxscheduler_mobile_rec.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="parts/dhtmlxscheduler/codebase/dhxscheduler_mobile.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="parts/dhtmlxscheduler/codebase/dhxscheduler_mobile_rec.css">