Modify scheduler month view

I work on dhtmlx scheduler, i need to modify the month view to be able to see the number of event on each day to have something like this:

The numbers 05 and 02 represent the number of events on this day of the month. I want to know if there way to do that. Then after i will try fire on click event on those days with numbers.

I created prev and next button again to be able to have something more responsive.
The event on click on button i created work only on second one.
I found a way with z-index
Sorry if i’m not clear with my broken english, that why i added image/snippet.

I just saw the response of alaksandar on other post for month cell click

I found a way i used the link view_more. I set max event by at 0 so if there is events it will show the link “see more”. Then i will set the html i want in it. Then set my event.

scheduler.config.max_month_events = 0;

scheduler.templates.month_events_link = function(date, count){
	// return the html you want
	return html;
scheduler.attachEvent("onViewMoreClick", function(date){
		return false;

scheduler.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", function (date, e){
	if(scheduler.getState().mode == "month"){
		if (events.length > 0) {