I need a Month view where the multi-day events are showed not along the day but on a time-equivalent portion. Default: imgur.com/N3yhpkb . In the default view the two events seems overlayed, but the first ends at the same our that the second event starts.
Is it possible to show single day events like multi-day event? With background color, etc…
Thx for the tip! In my case I want it in a readonly calendar, so there isn’t drag and drop. I accomplished that adding this lines of code before the return of scheduler._get_event_bar_pos:
var t2s = scheduler.date.date_to_str("%H");
var t2s2 = scheduler.date.date_to_str("%H:%i");
start_hour = parseInt(t2s(ev.start_date));
end_hour = parseInt(t2s(ev.end_date));
if (end_hour == 0 || t2s2(ev.end_date) == "23:59") end_hour = 24;
totalx = x2 - x;
x = x + parseInt(totalx * start_hour/24);
x2 = x2 - parseInt(totalx * (24-end_hour)/24);
Thx! It worked, but I tunned it a little bit to preserve the same aspect of the multi-day events:
Unfortunately, we do not have such plans.
Such customization does not seem to be requested often, so currently we do not plan to include it into the package.
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