More questions about dhtmlxscheduler + database

Hi there,

I am almost getting there to save updated scheduler information to my postgresql database with scheduler.attachEvent function:

scheduler.attachEvent(“onEventChanged”, function(event_id,event_object){alert(event_object.start_date);return true;});

but I still have some problems as follows:

1. I can create xml_string with javascript at client side based on the data from the database, but fail load it in with


Neither scheduler.loadXML(xml_string) nor scheduler.loadXMLString(xml_string) works.

2. The event_object.start_date in the above scheduler.attachEvent comes out in the format of:

Wed Jul 22 03:35:00 UTC+0800 2009

I would like it to be

“2009-07-22 03:35:00”

How can I configure it?

3. Do event_object’s attributes correspond to the table fields (events.sql in the sample):


event_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

event_name varchar(127) NOT NULL,

start_date datetime NOT NULL,

end_date datetime NOT NULL,

details text NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (event_id)


The following four attributes are ok





Where are the event_name (event_object.event_name) and details (event_object.details)?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance.


  1. I can create xml_string with javascript at client side based on the data from the database
    On client side you can use addEvent command directly , without using XML as intermediate layer … dateformat

    var convert ="%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s");
    some_string = convert( ev.start_date );

    >>3. Do event_object’s attributes correspond to the table fields
    If you are using connector as server side solution - all fields defined for connectors will be available on client side.
    If you generation xml by custom code - any child tag of “event” will be converted to property of event object

there to save updated scheduler information to my postgresql database
By the way, dhtmlxConnector lib can work with php+postgresql combination - so you can use ready server side solution for loading|saving data.

Thanks a lot. It is working now.