more validate using in a field

                     type: "input",
                     label: "Display Name",
                     name: "FIELD_DISPLAY_NAME",
                    validate: "ValidAplhaNumeric, NotEmpty",
                       offsetLeft : 50,
                     labelWidth: 80,
                     inputWidth: 150

I set more than one validate in a field. I want to set different validate error to popup different error message. How indicate different error in different validate ?

How about this method ?


there only onValidateError event w/o any detailed information


I also use < onValidateError > . But it only can do error signal and not know what different Validation have error. In this case, it will have problem if I set two or more Validation in a field. Therefore, I want to ask checking can know what Validation have error ?

Two or more Validation in a field.

 validate: "ValidAplhaNumeric, NotEmpty",

  frmMain.attachEvent("onValidateError", function (input, value, result) {              
            if (input == "FIELD_NAME")
                alert("< Field Name  > Invalid Format ! Value should be in <0-9, a-z, A-Z> !");

            if (input == "FIELD_DISPLAY_NAME")
                alert("< Display Name  > Invalid Format ! Value should be in <0-9, a-z, A-Z> !");


here is a demo … vents.html

validateError called for all errored items