Msproject export issue

When I call the local import/export service, the following error occurs


   在 net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDuration..ctor(Duration duration)
   在 net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.DatatypeConverter.printDurationMandatory(MSPDIWriter writer, Duration duration)
   在 net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.DatatypeConverter.printDuration(MSPDIWriter writer, Duration duration)
   在 net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.MSPDIWriter.writeTask(Int32 , Task )
   在 net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.MSPDIWriter.writeTasks(Project )
   在 net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.MSPDIWriter.write(ProjectFile projectFile, OutputStream stream)
   在 net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.MSPDIWriter.Write(ProjectFile , OutputStream )
   在 GanttToMsProject.Core.MicrosoftProject.ProjectWriter.Write(ProjectFile projectFile, TargetApplication app) 在 gantt-msproject-service\GanttToMsProject.Core\MicrosoftProject\ProjectWriter.cs 中: 第 82 行
   在 GanttToMsProject.Core.MicrosoftProject.MProject.ImportXmlFromJson(String json, Boolean isLicensed, TargetApplication app) 在 gantt-msproject-service\GanttToMsProject.Core\MicrosoftProject\MProject.cs 中: 第 24 行
   在 GanttToMsProject.WebAPI.Controllers.MspConversionController.JsonToXml() 在 gantt-msproject-service\GanttToMsProject.WebAPI\Controllers\MspConversionController.cs 中: 第 100 行

Hello Jesse,
It is hard to suggest what might be wrong as I don’t see your code.

Please add your configuration to the following snippet and make sure that the issue is reproduced there:

Then, click on the Save button and send me the link.
Or send me a ready demo with all the necessary JavaScript and CSS files so that I can reproduce the issue locally.

Thank you for your reply.
I did not have this issue in the example on the official website, but I downloaded the import and export service and wanted to deploy it independently. The downloaded import and export service only had this error message

Hello Jesse,
It seems you downloaded an older version of the MSP export module that is an ASP.NET MVC application. There is a newer version that is a .NET Core application that is currently used by the online export server.
If you encounter issues with that, you can submit a support request to the email specified in the letter with the license.

Thank you for your reply.
The license I purchased has expired for 18 months and I have lost the license letter

Hello Jesse,
Thank you for the clarification. In that case, you cannot download the latest version of the export module.

So, the first thing you need to make sure of is that you run the export module on a Windows platform with the IIS server. Before you deploy it, it is better to launch it in Visual Studio so that you can try to debug the errors and make sure that everything is working as expected.

After downloading the export module, open it in the MS Visual Studio and install the depending packages:

  1. Tools => NuGet Package Manager
  2. Click on the Restore button.

In case if you use Windows Server, you need to apply additional steps for installing the modules:

  1. Right-click on the GanttToMsProject.Core module in the Solution Explorer and choose the Properties option.
  2. Switch to the Build tab, scroll down and click on the Advanced button.
  3. Set Language version to C# 7.1 or higher and click on the OK button.
  4. Right-click on the GanttToMsProject.WebAPI module in the Solution Explorer and choose the Manage NuGet packages option.
  5. You will be asked to restore the packages. Click on the Restore button.
  6. Switch to the Browse tab and install the net.sf.mpjx library and all its dependencies.
  7. Run the application and try exporting the data.