first of all: thank you for your great work on the scheduler. It safed me a lot of time. To my actual Problem. I’m using the timeline view of the scheduler to view the state of a task which is running on some resource. Now a task goes throught different states like “initial”, “waiting”, “running” and so on…this states can appear in some order (not important for my question). I want to use colors to indicate when a resource is in a paticular state. It should look like this. A task correspondes to an event in the scheduler context.
I figured out a solution for my problem. Check the screenshot below. I’m using several divs inside of the bar. The size of each stage is given from the model. Odd to discribe. Just check out the code.
I thought you wanted to color event in a single color, not create sections inside of it.
event_bar_text template is the right place for such customization.