generally, multi-select use to Ctrl or shift key.
but I want make multi-select use to Mouse Click or Click&Drag.
check this out.
Are you understand?
how to do this?
use enableBlockSelection method?
I need you are advice.
Thx you.
P.s : I have dhtmlxSuite 2008 Rel.2 Professional edition build 80512
-attach source-
this is Configuration from XML page
Configuration from XML
There is no way to achieve such functionality through API.
While first part - multiselection by click can be achieved with pretty small code modificaiton. Second scenario will require a complex coding.
Multi-selection , by single click
dhtmlxgrid.js, line 1091
if (this.selMultiRows != false){
if (ev.shiftKey&&this.row != null){
can be replaced with
if (this.selMultiRows != false){
if (ev.shiftKey&&this.row != null){
I am using dhtmlx 3.6 and i wanted to do multi-select by single click. i see this post is very old and it had talked about the solution i required, Please help me to achieve above suggested solution to implement it in dhtmlx 3.6 library thanks
That solution still works well in the latest version of dhtmlxgrid.