multi serialize

hello I’m using the paid version

Each time you click the tab by putting a block or none in the division, the corresponding sheet is displayed.
The number of tabs increases dynamically.

When you create it for the first time
const excelWrapElement = parentElement.querySelector(“ExcelWrap”);
Spreadsheet = new dhx.Spreadsheet (excelWrapElement, {)

spreadsheet.parse (dataset);

It is generated through , but it is generated well on the screen and shows well when you press the tab, but when you do spreadsheet.serialize(), you always get only the data from the last sheet.
I need to get all the spreadsheet data generated on the screen in json form, so please let me know the solution.

Or how to import to id value of parent div or to spreadsheet index etc… please let me know.

ex) html

Your issue is not clear for me.

Each created instance of the Spreadsheet object should have a unique name and use a unique container.
If you are trying to place a new Speradsheet object to some container used by the old Spreadsheet object - you need to destruct the old one Spreadsheet:

spreadsheet.destructor() //destroys the spreadsheet object

If I didn’t get your issue correctly or the problem still occurs for you please, provide a complete demo code snippet or a demo link with exact steps to reproduce the issue.