Multi-user Sync and multiple tables

Hi ,

I’m having a problem with Multi-user Sync i can’t figure out what i’m doing wrong , mySql seems to have an issue with the query the connectors generates.

is the selection from multiple tables not supported with multi user sync ?

i tried render sql and render complex sql and nothing seems to work :frowning:

<?php require_once("../codebase/connector/scheduler_connector.php"); $res=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("schedulerDB"); $conn = new SchedulerConnector($res); $conn->enable_live_update('actions_table'); $conn->enable_log("c:\\wamp\\www\\test_dxhtml\\mylog.txt",true); // query 1 // this doesnt work tried it with complex same issue //$conn->render_sql("select * from events left outer join utilisateurs on events.utilisateur_id = utilisateurs.id_utilisateur", //"event_id","start_date , end_date , text , important , utilisateur_id , agenda_id , prestation_id , nom , prenom , type"); // query 2 // this doesnt work tried it with complex same issue $conn->render_sql("select * from events,utilisateurs where events.utilisateur_id = utilisateurs.id_utilisateur", "event_id","start_date , end_date , text , important , utilisateur_id , agenda_id , prestation_id , nom , prenom , type"); // single table works fine //$conn->render_sql("select * from events","event_id","start_date , end_date , text , important , utilisateur_id , agenda_id , prestation_id , type"); ?>

======> the generated query with 1

Log started, 06/06/2015 09:28:52

SELECT * FROM actions_table LEFT OUTER JOIN events left outer join utilisateurs on events.utilisateur_id = utilisateurs.id_utilisateur ON actions_table.DATAID = events left outer join utilisateurs on events.utilisateur_id = utilisateurs.id_utilisateur.event_id WHERE ( actions_table.ID > ‘3’ AND actions_table.USER <> ‘1433618930901’)

!!!Uncaught Exception
Code: 0
Message: MySQL operation failed
Table/alias: ‘utilisateurs’ non unique

======> the generated query with 2

Log started, 06/06/2015 09:30:48

SELECT * FROM actions_table LEFT OUTER JOIN events,utilisateurs ON actions_table.DATAID = events,utilisateurs.event_id WHERE ( events.utilisateur_id = utilisateurs.id_utilisateur) AND ( actions_table.ID > ‘3’ AND actions_table.USER <> ‘1433619046695’)

!!!Uncaught Exception
Code: 0
Message: MySQL operation failed
Erreur de syntaxe pr�s de ‘utilisateurs ON actions_table.DATAID = events,utilisateurs.event_id WHERE ( even’ � la ligne 1

what I’m missing ? is it bug ?

Thank you for your support :slight_smile:

May be not perfect solution, but it works fine.
For solve this issue i created view in database, which bring together necessary tables.