Multiline events in month view


Is there a way to have multiline events in month view?

Thanks in advace,


Not quite sure , what do you mean by "multiline events"
The height of event bar in month view can be changed if necessary … yling.html

Not exactly that.
If I have a long text to display  in the month event bar, it is being cut and not showing a “multiline” event bar (for month view). I have tried adding
when redefining scheduler.templates.event_bar_text without luck. Might be something very simple to fix but I’m not being able to figured out the solution. Thank in advance.

You may need to add the next css style to the page

.dhx_cal_event_clear, .dhx_cal_event_line{

( event bar height setting technique , described at above mentioned article, need to be used as well )